President Message

President Message

Dr. Faria Nasreen

Society of Nuclear Medicine, Bangladesh (SNMB) is a non-profitable professional organization dedicated to the uplifting of Nuclear Medicine in Bangladesh. It is a platform for exchanging knowledge and recent developments in this field. SNMB was established in 1993 and growing fast. I am honored to be elected as the president having the opportunity to lead this society. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every member of SNMB for their unwavering support and confidence they have placed in me.

I have been serving as a Nuclear Medicine physician for the last 31 years and served the SNMB as General Secretary for three terms and Scientific Secretary for two terms. During my term as President, I hope that me and the executive committee of SNMB will be able to fulfill the expectations of our members and execute the promises made in a timely manner.

SNMB has a good connectivity and collaboration with other organizations and Societies such as IAEA, WARMTH, WFNMB, ARCCNM, AOFNMB, AOSNM, EANM, SNMMI and also hosts international   conferences. We intend to pursue these important international relationships for further development of Nuclear Medicine.

We shall launch our future academic programs and conferences soon. In the era of precision medicine, we shall give special emphasis on hybrid molecular imaging and theragnostic. We intend to stay abreast with the latest developments and cutting-edge technologies, encourage research and ensure that our profession plays a pivotal role in the healthcare system. Let us work together motivated by our common passion for professional excellence and continue to make a positive impact on health and living of the people we serve. SNMB strongly believes in teamwork and transparency as pillars for success.

As we aspire to expand our reach, we are eager to welcome new members in our organization. You will find membership professionally and personally rewarding as we channel our energies in positive direction. I assure that I will do everything in my capacity to live up to the glorious standards set by my predecessors. It is with a deep sense of responsibility and enthusiasm that I take on this role, and I am excited to lead our esteemed society with the collective efforts of SNMB members towards a future filled with promise and progress.


Prof. Dr. Faria Nasreen

President, SNMB