General Secretary Message

General Secretary Message

Society of Nuclear Medicine, Bangladesh (SNMB) stands out to be a prestigious society in Bangladesh. We would not be where we are today without the relentless hardwork of our predecessor as well as our junior society members. I am very happy to announce that the society will celebrate its silver jubilee on the year 2020.

Nuclear medicine has a long history in Bangladesh and also has advanced a lot. There has been a journey from thyroid scanner to the hybrid and molecular imaging. The SNMB members are working hard to keep pace with the advancements of nuclear medicine.With the help of Ministry of Science and Technology and Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) new projects are implemented to establish, upgrade and strengthen the nuclear medicine facilities in the Goverment sector of Bangladesh. Side by side nuclear medicine is also flourishing in the private sectors.

In order to develop competent man power we need to have good training program and continuous medical education (CME).SNMB is organizing their annual conferences, seminars both in the capital as well as in the periphery of the country with the aim to disseminate and share knowledge with each other and develop the bonds of friendship and fellow feeling.  In addition to the national conferences society members are encouraraged to attend the international conferences. IAEA, AOSNM, SGH Nuclear Medicine Update, KOICA are lending their helping hands by providing fellowships and training programs for the professional development of our society members. ANMB is arranging the examinations every year to develop trained manpower.

It is our moral duty and obligation to ensure high quality standard of nuclear medicine practice.

Long live SNMB.

Long live Bangladesh.

Md. Nahid Hossain
General Secretary, SNMB